He Drank This Potion Every Day And Lived 152 Years!

If you have ask the Norwegians what is the secret of their good looking skin they will answer with the sorry of this drink that is in use from an ancient times and it has been found be an old farmer called Thomas Parr who lived 152 years by consuming this beverage named “whey” on a daily base.

The healing goods from whey’s composite

Whey consist of less than 1% proteins and 93% of water. Its ingredients are sodium, phosphorus, zinc, manganese, vitamins, amino acids, potassium, iron and some enzymes and just 26 calories which is great for fat burnings.

The perfect drink for liver illness

Very powerful liver cleanser and as we all know, a clean liver is a key for perfect health. Whey have lacto globulin which is providing amino acid (BCAA) to our body system. BCAA supplies are doing an amazing thing for chronical illnesses by giving them longer and healthier life, fighting the large number of sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease and many cancer types.

For having stamina and losing weight

Whey is an ampule of electrolytes which give a perfect body hydration and much more energy and is definitely healthier than the bad for your health energy drink.
The modern diseases such as high blood pressures obesity, stresses and exhaustion are imposing everyday whey’s consummation.

Digestion treatment

Daily whey consumption is good for gas, diverticulitis, colic and irregular movements of bowel etc.

This traditional Norwegian therapy can drastically help you with:

  • Candida
  • Chronic fatigue
  • High blood pressure
  • Overindulging
  • Stress
  • Stomach disease
  • Low immunity system
  • Liver
  • Cleansing body of toxins

Preparation and usage of whey

You can make it from raw milk or milk from an organic markets, even though the goat milk is the best for whey. Form about ten liters milk you can make 9 liters whey and 1 pound cheese.
You can consume it 3 times a day for about 1, 5 deciliter and with time you can increase the dose for 1 liter daily.
For stomach pain blend only 1 tablespoon whey in a glass of water and drink it before having meals.

Source:  www.healthyfoodteam.com

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